캐나다 시민권 예상문제와 답

캐나다 시민권 예상문제와 답

관리자 1 12,451 2010.04.09 08:38
시민권 예상 시험문제

Section 1. Canada에 관한 질문

1. Who are the Aboriginal peoples of Canada?
(캐나다의 원주민들은 누구인가?)
The First people to live in Canada.

2. What are the three main groups of Aboriginal peoples?
(원주민을 구성하고 있는 중요한 세 그룹은?)
The First Nations, the Inuit, and the Métis.

3. In which parts of Canada did the Aboriginal peoples first live?
(원주민들이 처음으로 살던 곳은?)
The first nations in all areas of Canada, Inuit in the North, the Métis in prairies.

4. What did the Aboriginal peoples living in your region depend on for survival?
(당신이 살고 있는 지역에 거주하던 원주민들이 생계를 위해 했던 일은?)
The First Nations on coast depended on fishing and hunting.
The First Nations on the prairies depended on buffalo herds.
The First Nations in central and eastern Canada hunted and grew vegetables crops.

5. From whom are the Métis descended?
(메티스는 누구의 후손인가?)
The Métis descended from early French and English fur traders who married First Nations women.Their children and descendants are the Métis people.

6. In what industry did the Métis first work with European settlers?
(메티스가 유럽 정착인들과 함께 시작했던 산업은?)
Fur Trading.

7. Which group of Aboriginal peoples make up more than half the population of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut?
(노스웨스트 준 주 인구의 절반 이상을 차지하는 원주민 그룹의 이름은?)
The Inuit.

8. Why are the Aboriginal peoples of Canada working toward self-government?
(캐나다 원주민들이 자치 구조를 갖고 있는 이유는?)
To keep their unique culture and languages alive.

9. Where did the first European settlers in Canada come from?
(캐나다에 처음 정착한 유럽인들의 국적은?)

10. Why did the early explorers first come to Atlantic Canada?
(초기 탐험자들이 캐나다의 대서양 연안 주를 처음 찾은 이유는?)
Because of its coastal location and natural resources.
11. Who are the Acadian people?
(애캐디언은 누구였나?)
French settles who came in the 1600s.

12. What three industries helped the early settlers build communities in the Atlantic region?
(초기 정착자들이 대서양 연안 주에 사회단체를 형성토록 도움을 준 3가지 산업은?)
Farming, Fishing, Shipbuilding.

13. Who were the United Empire Loyalists?
(유나이티트 엠파이어 로얄리스트들은 누구였나?)
British settles.

14. When did the United Empire Loyalists come to Canada?
(유나이티트 엠파이어 로얄리스트들이 캐나다에 온 시기는?)
In the late 1700s.

15. When did settlers from France first establish communities on the St. Lawrence River?
(프랑스 출신 정착인 들이 세인트 로렌스강 주변에 사회단체를 형성한 시기?)
In the earlly 1600s.

16. In which type of industry did most early European settlers work?
(대부분의 초기 유럽 정착인들이 하던 산업?)

17. Which trade spread across Canada, making it important to the economy for over 300 years?
(300년에 걸쳐 캐나다 경제에 중요한 영향을 미치며 전국적으로 확산된 무역?)
Fur Trading.

18. What form of transportation did Aboriginal peoples and fur traders use to create trading networks in North America?
(북미의 무역만 형성을 위해 원주민과 모피 무역업자들이 사용하던 교통수단?)
Waterway transportation.

19. How long did the Hudson's Bay Company control the northern lands?
(허드슨 베이 회사가 북부지방에서 주도권을 행사하던 기간은 얼마동안인가?)
More then 300 years since 1600s.

20. What important trade did the Hudson's Bay Company control?
(허드슨 베이 회사가 주도권을 갖던 중요 무역은?)
Fur trade.

21. When did thousands of miners first come to the Yukon?
(많은 광부들이 유콘지방에 처음 간 시기는 언제인가?)
At the end of 1800s during Gold Rush.

22. What did the government do to make immigration to western Canada much easier?
(서부 지역으로 이주를 수월하게 하기 위해 정부가 시실한 정책은 무엇인가?)
The Federal Government built Canadian Pacific Railway.
23. Which group of people were important in the building of the Canadian Pacific Railway?
(캐나디언 퍼시픽 철도 건설에 중요한 역할을 한 사람은 누구인가?)

24. When was the Canadian Pacific Railway finished?
(철도가 완성한 시기는 언제인가?)
Late 1800s.

25. What did the federal government do to encourage people to settle in the Prairie provinces during the early 1900s?
(1900년도 초반 연방정부가 국민들이 중부지역 정착을 권장키 위해 시도한 방법은?)
The Federal Government built a railway a cross the Prairies to the Pacific Coast.

26. What does Confederation mean?
(컨페더레이션은 무엇을 뜻하는가?)
To join together to create a nation.

27. What is the Canadian Constitution?
(캐나다 헌법은 무엇인가?)
System of laws and conventions by which Canada governs itself.

28. In what year did Canada become a country?
(캐나다가 국가로 형성된 년도는?)
July 1, 1867.

29. Which document made Confederation legal?
(컨페더레이션을 법적으로 인정한 서류는?)
The British North America Act (of 1867)

30. Which document first defined the responsibilities of the federal and provincial governments?
(연방정부와 주 정부의 책임을 최초로 규정한 서류는?)

31. When did the British North America Act come into effect?
(영국 북미법이 발효된 시기는?)
July 1, 1867.

32. Why is the British North America Act important in Canadian history?
(영국 북미법이 캐나다 역사상 중요한 이유?)
Because it made the Confederation in 1867 legal.

33. Which four provinces first formed the Confederation?
(컨페더레이션에 참가한 4개 주의 이름?)
Ont ario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia.
34. List each province and territory and tell when each one  joined the Confederation.
(컨페더레이션에 동참한 각 주와 준 주의 이름및 그 시기를 열거하시요.)
Manitoba, Norhwest Territories 1870/ B.C 1871/ Prince Edward Island 1873/ Yukon 1898/ Alberta, Saskatchewan 1905/ Newfounkland 1949

35. Which was the last province to join Canada?
(캐나다에 마지막으로 동참한 주의 이름은?)

36. When is Canada Day and what does it celebrate?
(캐나다 데이는 언제이며, 무엇을 기념하는 날인가?)
July 1. The anniversary of the Confederation.

37. Who was the first prime minister of Canada?
(캐나다 초대 연방 수상은 누구인가?)
Sir. John A. MacDonald.

38. Why is the Constitution Act of 1982 important in Canadian history?
(1882년 헌법이 캐나다 역사에 중요한 이유?)
It allowed Canada to Change the constitution without approval from the British Government.

39. What part of the Constitution legally protects the basic rights and freedoms of all Canadians?
(캐나디언의 기본권과 자유를 법적으로 보호해주는 법의 이름이 무엇인가?)
Charter of Right and Freedom.

40. When did the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms become part of the Canadian Constitution?
(캐나다 인권, 자유헌장이 헌법의 일부가 된 시기는 언제인가?)

41. Name two fundamental freedoms protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
(캐나다 인권, 자유헌장에 의해 보장된 2가지 기본 자유는 무엇인가?)
Religion, Thought(Belief, Opinion, Expression!)

42. Name three legal rights protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
(캐나다 인권, 자유헌장에 의해 보장된 3가지 법적 권리는 무엇인가?)
Life, Liberty, Security of the person.

43. List four rights Canadian citizens have.
(캐나다 시민권자가 갖는 4가지 권리를 열거하라)
1)Right to vote. 2)To be considered first for jobs in the federal government.
3)To be protected against discrimination. 4)To apply for a Canadian passport.
5)To learn in either official language.

44. List three ways in which you can protect the environment.
(환경보호를 할 수 있는 3가지 방법을 열거하라)
1)Throw waste paper or other garbage in designated public garbage containers.
2)Recycle and reuse as many products as possible such as paper, glass and cans.
3)Walk, join a car pool, or use a bicycle or public transit whenever possible.
4)Get involved with a local group to protect our natural and cultural heritage.

45. Who has the right to apply for a Canadian passport?
(캐나다 여권을 신청 할 수 있는 사람은 누구인가?)
Canadian citizen.

46. Who has the right to enter and leave Canada at will?
캐나다 출입을 마음대로 할 수 있는 사람은 누구인가?)

47. Who has the right to be considered first for a job in the federal government?
(연방정부 공무원 모집 시 우선 채용의 권리를 갖는 사람은 누구인가?)

48. What does equality under the law mean?
(법 앞에서의 동등이란 무엇을 뜻하는가?)
Equal right to the protection and service of the police and courts.

49. What does "mobility rights" mean?
(거주의 권리란 무슨뜻인가?)
Right to live and work anywhere in Canada.

50. Name six responsibilities of citizenship.
(시민권자의 6가지 의무를 열거하라)
Voting, obeying, working to help others in the community, expressing opinions freely while
respecting the rights and freedoms of others, Jury Duty, caring for Canada's heritage,
eliminating discrimination and injustice.

51. Give an example of how you can care for Canada's natural heritage.
(캐나다의 자연 유산을 아끼고 보호하기 위해 할 수 있는 일 중 하나를 열거하라)
Joining a community group such as an environmental group, volunteering to work on the colmmunity.

52. What will you promise when you take the Oath of Citizenship?
(시민권 선서식때 맹세하게 될 사항은 무엇인가?)
I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to her majesty Queen Elizabeth the second Queen of Canada and faithfully observe the law of Canada and fulfill duties as a Canadian citizen.

53. Explain how a citizenship right can also be seen as a citizenship responsibility for example, the right to vote.
(투표권의 경우와 같이 시민권자의 권리가 어떻게 시민권자의 책임으로도 간주될 수 도 있는지 설명하라.)
Canadian citizen has a responsibility to ensure and take part in Democratic Process of Canada.
54. Give an example of how you can show responsibility by participating in your community.
(당신이 사회 단체의 참여를 통해 자신의 책임을 행사 할 수 있는 방법을 예를 들어보라.)
Volunteering to work with others to solve problems in the community.

55. Which legal document recognizes the cultural diversity of Canadians?
(캐나다의 복합문화를 인정한 법적 서류는?)
Multiculturalism Act.
56. What are the two official languages of Canada?
(캐나의 2가지 공식 언어는?)
English and French

57. Which legal documents protect the rights of Canadians with regard to official languages?
(캐나다인 공식 언어 사용 권리를 보장한 법적 서류는?)
Official Language Act.

58. Give an example of where English and French have equal status in Canada.
(영어와 불어가 동등한 지위를 갖는 곳의 예를 들라.)
1)Equal status and rights regarding their use in parliament.
2)Right to a criminal trial in either English or French.
3)To receive fedetral government service in either English or French.
4)Right to be educated in their language

59. Where do most French-speaking Canadians live?
(대부분의 캐나디언들이 불어를 사용하는 곳은 어디인가?)

60. Which province has the most bilingual Canadians?
(영어와 불어를 동시에 사용 하는 주는?)
Ont ario

61. Which province is the onl y officially bilingual province?
(영어와 불어를 공식언어로 채택한 주는?)
New Brunswick

62. What does the Canadian flag look like?
(캐나다 국기는 어떻게 생겼는가?)
A maple leaf.

63. What song is Canada's national anthem?
(캐나다 국가의 제목은?)
O Canada

64. Give the first two lines of Canada's national anthem.
(캐나다 국가 처음 두 소절을 적으시요)
O Canada! Our home and native land! True Patriot love in all the sons command

65. Where does the name "Canada" come from?
("캐나다" 라는 명칭은 어디에서 유래 했는가?)
A First Nation word for village "KANATA".

66. Which animal is an official symbol of Canada?
(캐나다를 상징하는 동물은?)

67. What is the tower in the centre of the Parliament buildings called?
(국회의사당 중앙에 있는 탑의 이름은 무엇인가?)
The Peace Tower.

68. What unique art form was developed by the First Nations people on the West Coast?
(서부지역 원주민들에 의해 형성된 독특한 예술형태를 무엇이라 하는가?)
Totem Poles.

69. Why is the North sometimes called the "Land of the Midnight Sun"?
(캐나다 북부가 때로 "미드나잇 썬" 이라 불리우는 이유는?)
In the height of summer the daylight can last up to 24 hours.

70. An act of Parliament was required to create a new territory in Canada's North. What is the name of the new territory?
(캐나다 북부에 새 준주룰 만들려면 연방의회의 입법 절차를 통해서만 가능하다. 이렇게 만들어진 준주의 이름은 무엇인가?)
Nunavut (In 1999.4.1)

71. What is the population of Canada?
(캐나다의 인구는?)
31 million.

72. What three oceans border on Canada?
(캐나다와 접경한 3개의 대양은?)
Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic.

73. How many provinces and territories are there in Canada?
(캐나다의 주와 준주는 각각 몇개인가?)
10 provinces and 3 territories.

74. What is the capital city of Canada?
(캐나다의 수도는?)
Ottawa, Ont ario

75. Name all the provinces and territories and their capital cities.
(캐나다의 모든 주와 준주의 이름과 수도를 열거하라)
Newfoundland and Labrador : St.John's,
Prince Edward Island : Charlottetown
Nova Scotia : Halifax
New Brunswick : Fredericton
Quebec : Quebec city
Ont ario : Toronto
Manitoba : Winnipeg
Saskatchewan : Regina
Alberta : Edmonton
British Columbia : Victoria
Yukon Territory : Whitehorse
Northwest Territories : Yellowknife
Nunavut : Iqaluit
76. Name the five regions of Canada.
(캐나다를 5개 지역으로 나눈다면?)
Altlantic / Central / Prairie / Westcoast / The North

77. What are the provinces of Central Canada?
(캐나다의 중앙에 속한 주는?)
Quebec / Ont ario

78. What are the provinces of the Atlantic Region?
(대서양 지역에 포함된 주는?)
Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrator, Prince Edward Island, and Brunswick.

79. What are the Prairie provinces?
(중부 평원에는 어느 주들이 있나?)
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta.

80. What are the territories of northern Canada?
(캐나다 북부의 준주 이름은?)
Yukon / Northwest / Nunavut

81. Name one  province that is on the Atlantic coast of Canada.
(캐나다의 대서양 연안에 위치한 주의 이름 하나를 기재하라)
Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labreator, Prince Edward Island, or New Brunswick.

82. Name a province on the Pacific coast of Canada.
(캐나다의 태평양 연안에 위치한 주의 이름은?)
British Columbia.

83. Which region covers more than one -third of Canada?
(캐나다 영토 1/3 이상을 차지하고 있는 지역은?)
The North.

84. Where do more than half the people in Canada live?
(캐나다 국민의 절반 이상이 거주하고 있는 주는?)
Ont ario

85. One -third of all Canadians live in which province?
(캐나다 국민의 1/3이 거주하고 있는 곳은?)
Ont ario

86. What is the Canadian Shield?
(캐나디언의 쉴드란 무엇인가?)
A rock formation million of years old.

87. Where is the Canadian Shield?
(캐나디언의 쉴드는 어디에 있는가?)
The land in northern Quebec and ont ario.

88. Where are the Canadian Rockies?
(캐나디언 록캐산맥은 어디에 위치하고 있는가?)
British Columbia / Alberta

89. Where are the Great Lakes?
(Great Lakes는 어디에 있는가?)
Between Canada and U.S.A

90. What are the names of the Great Lakes?
(Great Lakes의 이름들은 무엇인가?)
Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, Ont ario

91. Where is the St. Lawrence Seaway?
(센인트 로렌스 해로는 어디에 위치하는가?)
Southern Quebec / Eastern Ont ario

92. Name two mountain ranges in Canada.
(캐나다의 2개 산맥의 이름은?)
Rocky Mountains, The Columbia Mountains. The Coast Mountain.

93. Which territory shares a border with another country?
(다른나라와 국경을 공유하고 있는 준주는 어디인가?)

94. Which province is known as the "Land of 100,000 Lakes"?
(100,000개 호수의 땅으로 알려진 주는?)

95. Which provinces are joined to New Brunswick by land?
(New Brunswick 주와 육지로 접해 있는 주의 이름은?)

96. To which ocean is Newfoundland closest?
(Newfoundland와 가장 근접해 있는 바다는?)

97. Which mountain range forms a border between Alberta and British Columbia?
(알버타와 BC주의 경계를 형성하는 산맥은?)
Rocky mountains
98. Which two provinces are closest to Prince Edward Island?
(Prince Edward Island 와 가장 가까운 2개 주의 이름을 기재하라)
New Brunswick / Nova Scotia

99. Which province in Canada is the smallest in land size?
(땅의 크기가 가장 작은 주는?)
Prince Edward Island.

100. Where are the Parliament buildings located?
(국회의사당은 어디에 있느가?)

101. Which country borders Canada on the south?
(캐나다 남쪽 국경에 접해 있는 나라는?)

102. What are the three main types of industries in Canada?
(캐나다의 주요산업 3가지는?)
Natural resources, manufacturing, Service

103. In what sorts of jobs do most Canadians work?
(캐나디언들이 주로 갖고 있는 직업의 종류는?)
Service Industry

104. What country is Canada's largest trading partner?
(캐나다의 최대 무역 상대국은?)

105. Why are the Great Lakes important to Canada?
(Great Lakes가 캐나다에 중요한 이유는 무엇인가?)
Important waterway / Fresh water / Resources

106. Why is the St. Lawrence Seaway important to Canada?
(세인트 로렌스 해로가 캐나다에 중요한 이유는?)
Because St, Lawrence Seaway makes it possible for ocean going ships to travel rivers between the Great Lakes.

107. Why is the Canadian Shield important to Canada's economy?
(캐나디언 쉴드가 캐나다 경제에 중요한 이유는?)
Because of rich mineral deposits.

108. List four important minerals found in the Canadian Shield.
(캐나디언 쉴드에서 발견되는 4가지 주요 광물은?)
Gold / Silver / Nickel / Zinc / Copper / Iron

109. Which province is one  of the most productive agricultural regions in the world?
(세계에서 생산성이 가장 뛰어난 농업지역 중 하나로 꼽히는 주는?)
Manitoba (Saskatchewan, Alberta)

110. Which region is known as the industrial and manufacturing heartland of Canada?
(캐나다 산업및 제조의 중심부로 불리우는 지역은?)
Central Canada

111. Which region of Canada is known for both its fertile agricultural land and valuable energy resources?
(비옥한 농토와 귀중한 에너지 자원으로 이름난 지역은 어디인가?)
Central Canada ( Ont ario / Quebec)

112. Which two provinces produce more than three-quarters of Canadian manufactured goods?
(캐나다 제조품의 3/4이상을 생산해 내는 2개주의 이름은?)
Ont ario / Quebec

113. Which province is the biggest producer of metals in Canada?
(캐나다 최대의 금속생산지로 알려진 주는?)
Ont ario

114. Which province is Canada's main producer of pulp and paper?
(캐나다의 주요산업인 펄프와 종이의 중요 생산지로 알려진 주는?)

115. Which province has the largest dairy farming industry in Canada?
(캐나다 최대 낙농 산업지로 알려진 주는?)

116. Which province has the most valuable forest industry in Canada?
(캐나다의 최대 임업자로 알려진 주는?)
British Columbia

117. Which province is Canada's major producer of oil and gas?
(석유와 가스의 주요 생산지로 알려진 주는?)

118. Which province is Canada's leading wheat producer?
(밀의 주요 생산지로 알려진 주는?)

119. Which province is Canada's largest producer of hydroelectricity?
(캐나다의 최대 전력 생산지로 알려진 주는?)

120. Which two fuels provide about one -half of all the energy used in Canada?
(캐나다에서 사용되는 무든 에너지의 1/2을 충당해주는 2가지의 연료는?)
Oil and Natural gas

121. Which products from southern Ont ario are among Canada's key exports?
(남부 온타리오 생산품중 캐나다의 주요 수출품목에 해당되는 것들은)
Products from auto industry.

122. Name three minerals still being mined in the territories today.
(현재까지 채광되고 있는 3가지 광물은?)
Gold / Zinc / Lead

123. Which city provides important shipping and air links between Canada and other countries across the Pacific Ocean?
(캐나다와 태평양 지역 국가간의 해운 및 항공 연결에 중요한 역할을 하는 도시는?)

124. What products are produced in the Niagara Peninsula?
(나이아가라 반도에서 생산되는 생산물들은 무엇인가?)
Peaches / Apples / Grapes / Fruit Crops

125. More than half of Canada's aeronautics and space industries are located in which province?
(캐나다 항공 우주 산업의 과반수가 위치해 있는 주는?)

126. For what is the Okanagan Valley famous?
(오카나간 계곡은 무엇으로 유명한가?)
Fruit Orchard

127. What fish is a valuable industry on the West Coast?
(서해안의 귀중한 산업이 되고 있는 어류는?)

128. Who is Canada's Head of State?
(캐나다 국가 원수는 누구인가?)

129. Who is the Queen's representative in Canada?
(캐나다에서 여왕의 대리인 역할을 하는 사람은 누구인가?)
Governor General of Canada

130. What is the name of the Governor General?
(연방총독의 이름은?)
Adriaenne Clarksen

131. What do you call the Queen's representative in the provinces and territories?
(각 주와 준주의 여왕 대리인을 무엇이라고 부르는가?)
Province : Lieutenant / Territory : Commissioners
132. What is Canada's system of government called?
(캐나다 정부 형태를 무엇이라 부르는가?)
Parliament Denocracy

133. What are the three parts of Parliament?
(의회의 3가지의 형태는?)
The Queen / The House of Commons / The Senate

134. What are the three levels of government in Canada?
(캐나다의 3단계 형태의 정불르 각각 무엇이라 부르는가?)
Federal / Provincial and Territorial / Municipal

135. Explain how the three levels of government are different.
(3 단계의 정부가 각각 어떻게 다르며, 차이점을 설명하라)
1)Federal Government takes major responsibility for things that affect all of Canada such as national defense, foreign policy and citizenship.
2)Province / Territorial Gornment for things that affect the province such as education, health, highway.
3)Municipal Government are local affairs such as policing fire fighting, snow removal.

136. Name two levels of government and explain how they are different.
(2개 차원의 정부가 각각 어떻게 다른지 그 차이를 설명하라)
135 답 참조

137. Name two responsibilities for each level of government.
(각 정부의 책임 2가지씩을 말해보라)
135 답 참조

138. What do you call a law before it is passed?
(통과 하기 이전의 법을 무엇이라 부르는가?)

139. How does a bill become a law?
(법안은 어떻 절차를 걸쳐 법으로 정식 인정되는가?)
It must be approved by majorities in the House of Common and the Senate.

140. What is the final step before a bill becomes a law?
(법안이 입법화되기 전의 최종 절차는?)
Approval from the Governor General.

141. What do the initials MP stand for in Canadian politics?
(캐나다 정치에서 MP stand for in Canadian politics?)
Member of Parliament

142. How are members of Parliament chosen?
(국회의원은 어떤 방법으로 선출 하는가?)
Voting by people.

143. Who do members of Parliament represent?
(연방의원은 누구를 대표하는가?)
People in his or her electoral district.

144. What does a member of Parliament do?
(연방의원들이 하는 일은 무엇인가?)
Represents ideas of people in his or her electoral district when new laws are being proposed; asking questions about the government on voter's behalf; helping voters if voters need information from the government or if voters have any problem with the government.

145. What is an "electoral district"?
(선거구란 무엇인가?)
Geographcal area represinted by a member of the House of Commons.

146. How many electoral districts are there in Canada?
(캐나다에는 몇 개의 선거구가 있는가?)

147. In what electoral district do you live?
(당신이 살고 있는 선거구는 무엇인가?)
전화번호부 참조

148. What requirements must you meet in order to vote in a federal election?
(연방 선거 투표권을 갖기 위해 당신이 갖추어야 할 4가지 요건은?)
1)Must be a Canadian citizen. 2)18 years or older. 3)On the list of electors
4)Less than 5 years outside Canada.

149. What is a Notice of Confirm!ation of Registration?
(선거등록 확인이란 무엇인가?)
The Notice that you when and where to veto National Register of Electors.

150. What is a polling station?
(투표소란 무엇인가?)
Place to cast a vote.

151. What is a ballot?
(투표용지란 무엇인가?)
A form for voting.

152. What is written on an election ballot?
(투표용지에 무엇이 기재 되어있나?)
Names of Candidates in the district.

153. What do you mark on a federal election ballot?
(연방 선거 투표용지에 기록해야 할 사항은?)
By writing and "X" in the circle beside the name of a chosen candidate.

154. What does voting by secret ballot mean?
(비밀 투표용지에 의한 투표란 무엇을 뜻하는가?)
It means no one  can watch a voter vote and no one  should look at the marked ballot.

155. Who has the right to vote in federal elections?
(연방선거에서 투표할 권한이 있는 사람은 누구인가?)
A Canadian citizen / 18 years old or over / one  who is on the list of electors.

156. Who has the right to run as a candidate in federal elections?
(연방선거에 입후보 할 권한이 있는 사람은 누구인가?)
At least 18 years old and Canadian citizen.

157. Who do Canadians vote for in a federal election?
(캐네디언은 연방선거시 누구를 선출 하는가?)
Members of Parliament.

158. How is the government formed after an election?
(선거후 정부는 어떻게 구성 되는가?)
The party with most elected MPS forms the government.

159. How is the prime minister chosen?
(수상은 어떻게 선출되나?)
The leader of the party with the most elected MPS becomes P.M.

160. When does an election have to be held according to the Constitution?
(헌법에 따른 선거 실시 시기는 언제인가?)
Within five years of the last one .

161. What do political parties do?
(정당이 하는일은 무엇인가?)
A party represents a group of people who share ideas and opinion about how government should work.It presents party platform to carry out if they ate elected to form the government.

("당, 정당"이란 무엇을 뜻 하는가?)
Policy papers that represents a party's ideas and opinion.

163. Name all the federal political parties represented in the House of Commons and their leaders.
(하원의 모든 연방 정당들의 명칭과 그 당수의 이름을 기재 하라)
Liberal (Jean Chretien), Reform (Stockwell Day), New Democratic (Alexa McDonough)
Bloc Quebec (Gilles Duceppe)

164. Which federal political party is in power?
(연방 정당 중 현재 집권을 잡고 있는 당은?)

165. To which party does your member of Parliament belong?
(당신이 살고 있는 지역의 연방 의원은 어느 정당 소속인가?)

166. What does it mean for a political party to "be in power"?
(집권당이란 무엇을 뜻하는가?)
Running the Government

167. What are the parties that are not in power called?
(집권을 하고 있지 않는 당을 무엇이라 부르는가?)
Opposotion parties

168. Which party becomes the Official Opposition?
(제1야당이 될수 있는 정당은?)
The opposition party with the most MPS.

169. What is the role of the Opposition parties?
(야당의 역할은 무엇인가?)
To oppose or try to improve government proposals.

170. Which party is the Official Opposition at the federal level?
(연방 정계의 제1야당은?)

171. What is a political candidate?
(정치 입후보자란 무엇인가?)
A person running for office.

172. What do you call a candidate who does not belong to a political party?
(정당에 소속돼 있지 않은 입후자를 무엇이라 부르는가?)

173. What is a Cabinet minister?
(각료란 무엇인가?)
A MP of the majority party who is given the responsibility to run a government department.

174. How are senators chosen?
(상원의원들은 어떻게 선출 되는가?)
They are chosen by prim Minister and appointed by Governor General.

175. How can a party in power be defeated in Parliament?
(집권당이 집권기간 중에 실권하게 되는 경우는 어떤 것인가?)
It a majority of the MPS vote against a major government decision, the party in power is defeated.
The Prime Minister resigns and a new election is usually held.

176. What is the name of the Prime Minister of Canada?
(캐나다 연방 수상의 이름은?)
Jean Chretien
177. What is the name of your member of Parliament?
(당신이 소속된 지역의 연방의원 이름은?)
참고:거주지역MP에대한 안내전화가 전화번호 Government of Canada 부분에 있음

178. How can you contact your member of Parliament?
(당신의 지역구 연방의원과 어떻게 연락을 할 수 있는가?)
1)By visiting or jcalling a MP'S constituency in the electoral destrict.
2)By writing letters to House of Commons.
179. Who do provincial members of the legislative or national assemblies represent?
(각 주의 의원들은 누구를 대표 하는가?)
Provincial Constituency.

180. What level of government passes "by-laws"?
(규칙이나 조례는 어떤 차원의 정부에서 통과시키는가?)
Municipal Government.

Section 2. 당신의 지역에 관한 질문

181. When did settlers from Europe first come to your region?
(당신이 살고 있는 지역에 유럽사람들이 처음 정착한 시기는?)
In the early 1800s.

182. Who were the first settlers in the area where you live?
(당신이 살고 있는 지역에 처음 정착한 사람들은 어떤 사람들인가?)

183. Why did the early Europeans come to your region in the 1600s, 1700s, 1800s or early 1900s?
(유럽 사람들이 1600년대,1700년대, 1800년대 또는 1900년도초 당신이 살고 있는 지역에 처음으로 오게된 이유는?)
For fur trading.

184. What is the capital city of the province or territory in which you live?
(당신이 살고 있는 주 또는 준주의 수도는?)
Victoria, BC

185. What are the major industries of your city, province and region today?
(당신이 살고 있는 도시, 주 지역의 최근 주요 산업은 무엇인가?)
Forestry Products, Hydroelectric and Salmon fishing.

186. What is the most valuable manufacturing industry in your region today?
(당신이 살고 있는 지역의 오늘날 가장 중요한 제조산업은?)
Forestry Products industry.

187. List three minerals found in your region.
(당신이 살고 있는 지역에서 발견되는 3가지의 광물을 열거하라)
Nickel, Gold, Silver, Platinum, Uranium, Zinc, Copper.

188. List three natural resources important to your region's economy today.
(당신이 살고 있는 지역의 경제에 오늘날 중요한 천연자원 3가지를 열거하라)
Forest / Salmon / Freshwater resources.

189. List the activities that are important to the tourism industry in your region.
(당신이 살고 있는 지역의 관광산업에 중요한 활동 및 행사는?)
Fishing, Hike, Camp and Ski

190. What has always been important to the economy in your region?
(당신이 살고 있는 지역의 경제에 항상 중요한 역할을 해온것이 무엇인가?)
Rich natural resources.

191. Who is your city councillor, alderperson, reeve or regional councillor?
(당신이 살고 있는 시의 지역의회, 시의원은 누구인가?
참고: 전화번호부 시,정부 부문에 각 거주지역 시의원의 이름이 기재 되어 있음.

192. What is the name of your mayor?
(당신이 살고 있는 지역의 시장의 이름은?)
191 참조

193. What is the name of your provincial representative (member of the Legislative Assembly, member of the provincial Parliament, member of the National Assembly or member of the House of Assembly)?
(당신이 살고 있는 지역의 주의원 이름은?)
191 참조

194. What is the name of the premier of your province?
(당신이 살고 있는 곳의 주수상은?)
BC:Gordon Campbell

195. Which political party is in power in your province or territory?
(당신이 살고 있는 지역의 집권당은?)

196. What is the name of the leader of the Opposition in your province?
(당신이 살고 있는 주의 제1야당의 당수 이름은?)

197. What is the name of your lieutenant-governor or commissioner?
(당신이 살고 있는 지역의 주 총독의 이름은?)
Iona V. Campagnolo


야생초 2012.01.09 21:08
상기에서 정답이 틀린 것이 많습니다. 그리고 2012년 1월을 기준으로 할 때 바뀐 것도 많고요?
93, 109, 111, 125, 139, 146, 160, 163, 164, 176이 틀렸어요. 
번호 분류 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회
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