Jeong Se-kwon, the Big Housing Developer that Protected Seoul through Hanok Houses

Jeong Se-kwon, the Big Housing Developer that Protected Seoul through …

청년시대 0 1,086 2023.01.18 13:10

Enjoy a majestic view of the city that offers the beauty of Korea with the harmonious relationship between traditions and modernism.

Bukchon Hanok Village is Seoul’s most loved tourist destination by international tourists.

But did you know Bukchon’s history was a legacy of the nation’s resistance against the Japanese Empire during the Japanese Occupation Period? 

Jeong Se-kwon, also known as “Kinong,” is a national capitalist who was his time’s head.

He decided to build Korean houses for Koreans to live in and keep Seoul as their city. 

We must remember that with every panoramic photo of the Bukchon Village that we take, the untold histories and traces of liberation movements remain.

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